College Insomniac

A blog about a poor college insomniac just trying to get by.

I Hate Chainsaws

Halloween this year was awesome. I haven't had this much fun on Halloween for a long time. Having a date for Halloween makes it that much better. I've been trying to figure out what really scares me during this Halloween season. I went to the haunted mill and nothing there really scared me. Startled, yes, but not scared. Well, maybe the guy with red eyes in the red dot room... bu we'll excuse that for now. Going to the straw maze tonight was terrifying. There's nothing more terrifying than running from a man with a chainsaw and coming to a dead end. It was awesome. It was probably the scariest hour of my life. Another key scary moment was a werewolf thing on stilts that was at least 8.5 feet tall. It was awesome. Being chased by him was also terrifying.

After that, we came back to my place and then we watched The Messengers. Wendy wasn't really a fan of scary movies, but she was a good sport about it and I think she had a good time anyways. I was scared much more by the maze personally. After the movie we just sat and talked for almost an hour. It was fun.

I also bought a new wok today, since I burned my last one. This time, bought a real carbonized steel one. I'm done with that Teflon junk. I researched a lot more about woks before I bough this one. Woks are intended to cook on one setting: high. They should be able to endure high heat. This is why Teflon is an awful material for a wok. It burns, peels and get's destroyed. So, this time I bought the proper wok. This means that I have to season the wok and take care of it. This basically means burning oil into the pan. The oil is absorbed, making the carbon steel wok a natural non-stick surface.

I seasoned it today and I tested it by frying an egg. It worked magically, just like on my mission. I fried in egg in about 30 seconds, and it didn't stick at all. It's amazing. More fried rice, more often. It will be awesome. One of the best parts is that I can now use a metal spatula with the wok. Yay!!!

