College Insomniac

A blog about a poor college insomniac just trying to get by.

Tis the Season to be... Jolly?

Today was interesting. I was up really late last night. Kindy and I decided to trade music at about 1:30, and we were up til 4:30 playing and copying songs for each other. It was a lot of fun, but I'm way tired because of it. I slept until noon, and I NEVER feel good when i do that. it just makes me feel lazy and tired all day. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep tonight, but I'm an insomniac for a reason.

Kindy and I went shopping today. It was a nightmare. All the stores were full of people and you couldn't move without running into someone. It was ridiculous. I am a laid back person, but I hate being in crowded locations full of people. It's loud, people are speaking in 800 different languages, and I don't like bumping into strangers. I was not having a good time. On top of that, I couldn't find anything that I was looking for. A shirt I wanted to get for Dad was too big. Every web cam I looked at was either too expensive or didn't work on a Mac. It was so frustrating.

It wasn't a total waste though. I did buy some new church shoes that I desperately needed. I did end up finding something for my dad. It's a plastic, fold able lap desk for his laptop computer. It has ventilation slits on it to allow the heat to dissipate quicker. It keeps the heat away from your legs too. Not what I wanted, it not really fun, but I think he'll use it... At least, I hope he does. I'd use it.

Then we had to pick up some food and snacks to eat. We got sandwiches at subway and chips and pop at Walmart. We came home and watched the BYU bowl game. That was a disappointment. Anyways, the whole point is that I was mostly frustrated for today. But at the same time, it's Christmas. I realize there are going to be little things that bother and frustrate me, but that doesn't mean I can't be happy.

On a side note, I finished my geology website and sent an e-mail to my entire geology class to beta test it for me. I'll modify it based on their feedback and submit it to Brother Gahn once I'm satisfied with it. So far, I know that at least 2 people from my class have looked at it, due to the tracker I placed on it returning visitors from Washington and org eon. I'll see write more later. See ya!

Been A While

It was a killer semester for me. The classes I took were just way hard with difficult/tricky teachers. All of them fair, just with very high expectations. As it is, I'm assuming I probably got straight B's for this semester. But all that is behind me now. It's Christmas vacation, and I plan on enjoying it.

Mandy is back in Kentucky for the break. I wasn't able to go with her. It's a bummer, but I really couldn't. Money isn't readily available for me. I'll get to see her again early January. I'm excited, even though it's like 3 weeks away. My break has been pretty fun so far. I've just watched movies and played with daycare kids mostly. I Helped my dad setup the train village today, and my mom wants me to put lights up outside tomorrow. I don't like doing the lights. It's kind of a pain... but then again, so is the village. But it's all worth it in the end to get into the Christmas spirit.

I still have to go Christmas shopping some time. I haven't gotten anything for anybody yet. Hopefully my mom and I can go together tomorrow. My mom hasn't gotten anything done either. She can't drive herself, so She has to wait for me to get home to be able to do it. If I can get the lights done early enough, it shouldn't be too hard to go tomorrow. Anyways, it's late, and I really just wanted to get back into the groove of writing in this thing. I think I'm going to change the layout and stuff here in a bit. But I have lots of things I'd like to do similar to that. Anyways, I'll write more tomorrow. See ya!

Soccer and School

That's about all I have time for now. I go to school and learn. I come home and do homework, unless I have a game to referee. I have 4 games to do in Sugar-Salem tomorrow. I only get to center. That's the bad part. And I have so much homework that I need to get done. I don't know how I'm going to get it all done, but I'm going to give it my best shot.

Mandy and I haven't had a chance to go out on a date for a long time. It's mostly my fault. She'll come up with an idea and tell me about it and I usually already have something going on. The biggest problem is that I have the worst memory in the world. I agree to go on these dates several times, and every time I remember that I had a previous engagement. Church calling duties was the culprit this time. I can't complain. My dad gave me a father's blessing, and I'm going to cling to it. It's my only hope right now. Things improve once October rolls around. I think the 9th is the last day I'll have to referee soccer. After that, things should slow down a bit and I'll have more time on my hands. A lot more time.

As a side note to my business, my computer's hard drive was fried last week. I wanted to defragment it while I slept, and when I woke up in the morning it was toast. Great way to start the day off. I've got it back almost a week alter, and I've been spending almost every spare second just reinstalling things. I finally got DJGPP reinstalled. that took forever. I forgot how complicated the thing is. But it works now and I'm happy.

Today's blessing: I actually understood my Discrete Mathematics homework after being totally lost during the lecture. Tender mercy.

Portland, Take 2

Yes, it' s summer again. And that means that I'm working like crazy. I've been very busy this summer spending as much time at arby's as I can. It's been a bit of a nightmare, but I still don't have enough money saved up. As the end of summer approaches, we go on our Portland vacation to visit my brother and sister-in-law. It's been a lot of fun, really.

The first day here we went to the portland zoo to see the rose garden. None of us had ever been there so we parked a mile from the garden. We saw a map and decided it didn't look too far, so we started hiking. It turned into a death march through the sun by the end of the hike, and we decided to turn back about half way there. It was a lot of fun though. I enjoyed.

The second day we went to the coast and played on the beach and such. It was fun. The water was freezing. I forgot to take my camera again, of course, but I took some pictures with my phone. After the beach, we had pizza at a seeside pizza shop. It was really good, and pretty expensive. Then we went to the Tillamook factory and watched them make cheese and bought some ice cream. It was really good. I got a lot of reading in my book. I'm about a hundred and fifty pages into it now.

Today is our third day and we went to a huge used bookstore. We go there every year. Last year i bought the Tolkein book Children of Tourin. I didn't really get anything this time, but I had fun looking around and just looking. it was amazing how many books they had. We went into their rare book room and saw a book that costs $16,500. After that, we just came home and watched movies and such. It was a good day. Hopefully the next days won't be so hot. Anyways, I'm tired and I'm getting some sleep.

Latino Gringo Battle

Today was fun. I had to go to work and learn how to do the two week cleaning and three month maintenance tasks for the shake machine. It was interesting. I ended up working backline again. I can't complain. It's my favorite station to work. It's much better than fryer, and I do better at it than running or taking orders. I'm really fast at fryer too... it just gets soo hot that I hate it. I'm a cold blooded person. I like to keep things around 65 degrees or so... not 120. Oh well. I got in some extra time at work and Karen asked me to work late again on Friday. I don't know how late I'll have to stay, but It'll make me some good money. I get 12.00 an hour on overtime pay. It'll be awesome.

After work, I came home and chilled for just a little bit before I went to referee a soccer match. I had no idea what I was in store for. Once I got there, I found out it was match between an all hispanic team and an all white team. It was pretty intense. I made some great calls on the line and the center loved me. After the game was over, the center official asked me if I felt comfortable being a center in the future. I told him sure, I'd love to, so he's going to recommend I start doing some matches as a center. I don't know what the center from last week said about me. hopefully it isn't conflicting and I'll make some more money. Centers make quite a bit more than ARs. I would be happy.

That's about it. Not a whole lot going on in my life right now. Just working like crazy so I can afford to go to school. I know it's been a while since I wrote, so hopefully this will help me get back into the routine.

Conference and Stir Fry

Today was pretty cool. I got quite a bit done on my program as far as sorting goes. It's still a bit screwed up, but I think I might just leave it. It's only like 2 names out of order... and I can definitely fix one of them for sure if I can find the time. I'm going to focus on building the tree and printing the ancestry first though. Conference was good. I had a hard time staying awake due to lack of sleep, but the parts I did hear were very inspiring. I always enjoy conference weekend. It's always great. I'm just worried about getting all my class work done for this week. Alex has to study now too, so it should be easier than it was.

After the afternoon session of conference, Mandy and I made this stir fry. I'm not going to lie, it was basically amazing! After that, we finished watching the first season of supernatural with Alex. It was pretty fun. After that, Mandy and I went star gazing for just a bit. It was a lot of fun. Now I have to hit the books for all the crap i have due in the next few days... See ya later.

Falling Asleep?

Yeah, I know, its been a few days since I last posted. Nothing to major though. I'm just doing homework like crazy and trying to get all that done. I have so much to do this weekend and very little time. I'm literally falling asleep over my keyboard right now. i know, doesn''t seem natural for me, but I've had a long day. I tried to donate blood and that didn't go well. i was able to go to the ward closing social tonight. That was a lot of fun. I'll write more tomorrow. G'night.

CompE Nightmare

Today was an interesting day. I woke up late and played with the idea of skipping my math class again... But I eventually dragged myself out of bed and ran to class. I even made it on time. I was able to turn in my quiz and homework and get the take home portion of the final. Then we were sent home. I loved having a 3 minute class today. It was amazing.

After that, i went car shopping with Mandy. We didn't really find any cars, but it was a good way to spend my break in between classes. We just went to her place after that and chilled 'til our next class started. Mine was CompE. We got all our work passed back to us. Of the last 4 homework assignments, I got less than 50% on 3 of them. It sucks. Bryon and I continued working on our 4-bit CPU and we actually have a fully functioning processor. It's actually pretty cool. He gave me the assignment of fixing the wire designations and making it look readable. I couldn't argue since he did basically everything else.

I went to Mandy's for devotional. We listened to it on the radio while eating and doing homework. I actually liked doing it that way. I don't think I got as much out of it, but I remember more of it since I just caught like little snippets. When Mandy left for class, I started working on that CPU schematic for mosts of the afternoon. When I finally got that done, I played a few games of chess with alex. I had the winning record, 2-1, and it was a lot of fun. Then I just went over to Mandy's and spent the rest of the night with her. I hate curfew. Just throwin' that out there. That's all for today.

Quick Note

This is going to be quick. Not a lot happened today. I went to class as usual and everything was fairly normal. After my CS235 class, I ran into the linux lab and programmed the assignment that was due tonight in about 1.5 hours (with interruptions from family). Mandy asked me if I wanted to eat the rest of that pizza with her today, so I did that. Keith and I ended up playing Savage while we were there too. I didn't think we'd play for as long as we did... I felt kind of bad, but Keith looked kind of bored. Oh well.

After that, Mandy and I decided to climb a tree. That was fun, and we had a great view of the temple. After climbing trees, we got phoned to go to FHE, but by the time we got there everyone else was leaving, so we decided that we'd bake cookies. Alex came over and we went to get a Horkley's with him to try to cheer him up a bit. I don't know how much good I do trying to console him, but I do try...

Mandy, Heather, Keith and I went stargazing after that on the roof of a potato cellar out in the middle of nowhere. It was really cold, but it was a lot of fun too. We finally looked at a clock and realized it was ten minutes to midnight, so we booked it home and got the girls home safely. Then Keith and I ran back to our apartments, hoping mike wasn't checking. We played some more games, and then I cam home to finish up my homework. It took me a bit longer than I thought it would, but I've got it done now... Okay, so this post wasn't that short. It came out pretty fast and unorganized though. See ya later.

Birthday Bomb

Today was fun. I had a good time sleeping in my own bed. It was nice. I love my own bed... Anyways, I just stayed at home and worked on some homework for the day. I shouldn't have, but it wasn't too much. I just sat around with my parents and talked with them a lot. I had a big scare when Alex told me that Mandy was gone and one one had seen her for a long time. We eventually got in contact with her. She fell asleep with her phone on vibrate in another apartment. It was fun. When it was my dad's birthday cake time, we had an interesting time. We ended up playing hot potato with a flaming cake and it ended up frosting side down on the ground... oh well. All the adults thought it was histarical, but the kids thought it was very disappointing.

After my dad's birthday I went to andrew's house for a bit. He gave me his Metal Gear Solid 3 game, and then we played smash brothers brawl for a bit too. That was fun. Then I came back here and saw Mandy for a bit before curfew. I was going to go to bed, but Mark, Keith and I got stuck playing Savage 'til pretty late. We need to convert Ryan or someone else to play too. It would be so much more fun with one more person.

In Sickness, And Health

Today was pretty fun. I didn't wake up until twelve 'o clock... that was actually pretty strange. I haven't slept the day away for a long time. After I got some things done, Alex came over and wanted me to take him to Idaho Falls to look for the music man. It was actualy pretty fun driving around and just hanging out for the afternoon. We got everything done that we'd planned to. We got back around five, and so did mandy from her trip to Utah.

I stayed with her for the rest of the day. we made a calzone pizza and then just watched disney movies. I started feeling incredibly sick though rigth when we started. I had a pretty intense fever (I hate fevers...). Mandy kept me warm with blankets and made me sleep for like 1.5 hours. After that, I woke up and felt really good, considering. The rest of the night was really fun. I tried to get Mandy to sleep, poor girl, but she wouldn't. I took her home and headed of for my parents house. Dad's birthday celebration is tomorrow. It's kind of nice to sleep in my own bed once in a while... Well, goodnight.

Rasa Sakit

Today was a good day overall. I got most of my homework done early, so i could actually go out on Friday night. that was nice. We tried going to Mesa Falls today, but the roads past bear gulch weren't plowed at all, so we weren't able to go. It was depressing. We went to sonic and got drinks, and then we went to the Rex and played games like air hockey and ski ball and such. It was fun. After that, we went to papa murphy's pizza and bought two pizzas, one for today, and one for tomorrow. It was delicious. We watched Anastasia. After that, Mandy had this early morning training thing to go to, so I went to her place and played with her hair and such to try to help her fall asleep. Then I came home and played rockband with keith and ryan til really late. it was fun, but I'm beat. G'Night!

Aku Senang Kalo BerdampinganNya

Today was a good day. I was soo tempted to sleep through my math class. I dragged myself out of bed at 9:20 and still made it to class on time. I glad I went. She handed out a quiz again. I always seem to miss those days. I'm glad I was able to finally show up for one of them. We got great harvest bread too, so I got a reward for actually waking up. Compe was alright too. My partner for the final is like a genius nerd guy, so he basically had the whole circuit designed and organized before we even got together. We'll be done on Tuesday if everything goes well. I'm going to have to work on homework quite a bit this weekend, but it will be okay. I should be able to get everything done. English was pretty fun too. Our teacher said we had the craziest class she's ever had. We are the most diverse group, and all of us are pretty social, so it's a fun group.

I came home after that and worked on some homework before taking everyone to Walmart, Taco Bell, Horkleys, and G's dairy. It was a really fun time. We rented a bunch of disney cartoons from Horkleys for free, so we spent the rest of the night watching those. We got through two, and then everyone left again, so Mandy and I just cuddled 'til curfew. It was a lot of fun. We're going to have chocolate pancakes and watch lilo and stitch tomorrow morning before class. I think it will be awesome. I better get some homework done before I hit the sack. 'Night.

Brief Respite

Today was a good day. I managed to get all my homework done for today, and I didn't have any homework due for tomorrow other than religion... that's normal though. I'm planning on going to bed early tonight too. We'll see how that goes.

I found out what our final project is in my CompE class for the semester. In teams of 2-3, we have to design and implement a 4-bit processor. It's a pretty big project, really. I'm glad I get to work with somebody else. I wouldn't mind being in a group with Andrew and Mike. I think we'd do pretty good job, and we're all at about the same level of understanding. We have to use a new software program called Circuit Maker. I downloaded it earlier and played with it for a while. It seems pretty cool. You can run a simulation of your circuit before you implement it. I like that feature.

After that, I went to devotional. It was good. It was about priesthood power and keeping ourselves worthy in order to use it. He also talked about finding out God's will before we give the blessing. I thought it was good, but I felt bad for the girls.

After that, I spent the rest of the night with Mandy, Alex and Ryan. We went to horkleys and watched Garden State. It was really fun... that's about all that happened. I better stop now so I can get to bed early. Night.

K-maps, Heapsort, Flip Flop Counters and Such

Today was ridiculous. I had a lot of homework, since I played all day Friday. I knew it was coming though. At least I was ready for it. I woke up, worked on my religion homework, and got the reading done for my CS235 class. If I get the reading done, I seem to stay awake for some reason. You'd think I'd get bored since I already know the material, but that's the only way I can seem to stay awake. Maybe it's God cursing me until I follow the learning model... interesting thought. I felt like a retard walking around campus today. My legs are so sore that they just give out when I'm walking on a downward slope of any kind, especially stairs. I think I about fell like 20 times in between all my classes.

I took my CS test today. I feel pretty good about it. The only one I don't really know for sure was the red-black tree question, but I think I was able to do it. It didn't seem to difficult. I finished the whole thing in about 50 minutes, so not too bad. After that, I came and ate dinner while Mandy tried to help my legs by massaging them. She only did my left leg. It hurt like crazy, but it feels better now. I need to have the right one done too, cause now it's lopsided soreness. I spent the rest of the day doing my program and lab report for my CompE class. I just realized I have to do a homework assignment for it too... and read. i think I'm just going to go to bed and try waking up early. I did it last week, and it actually helped me stay awake for math somehow. Go figure. The Lord's blessing me the more I rely on him and put forth my own effort. Anyways, I think I'm going to call it a night.

Easter Feast

I forgot to write in my blog yesterday. It was really late and I was really tired... It was a good day though... oh well. Today was pretty fun too. It was a good easter. I was just a tad late to ward council meeting this morning, but it was okay. Church was really good. I really enjoyed the spirit I felt there today. It was amazing.

After church, we all had dinner at Alex and Keith's apartment. I made this fried potato stuff. I think it was pretty good. Most of it was eaten anyways. After that we watched the ringer, praise to the man, and several Living Scriptures cartoons. They were a lot of fun. Everyone kind of filtered out of there though, and in the end it was just Mandy, Heather, Keith, and I that was still there. It was a lot of fun though. I like my circle of friends up here. We have so much fun. It's awesome.

I've just been working on statistics homework since then. Oh joy. I got it all done though and it isn't even due til Tuesday. This way, I can spend all day tomorrow working on my computer assignments... that should be as much torture as it sounds. That's about all for today. I'll write more later.

Making Banana Pancakes

Today was fun. Not a lot happened, but it was fun. I got back from class with full intention of doing homework like all day long. Mandy told me to come over as soon as i got out of class, so I went over there right away. She bought me a jamba juice! it was awesome. Then alex invited us to go to Extravadance with him. After that, we went to papa kelsey's and ate some sandwhiches. It wasn't nearly as good as idaho falls... I was disappointed. After that, we went to hollywood video and rented Johnny English and Firewall. Mandy slept through those two... so then we traded places and I slept during blades of glory. It was a very relaxing day. I'll pay for it soon enough I'm sure... That's all that happened today, really... I'll write more tomorrow. Should be plenty to write about.

TembakanKu Berhasil

Today was a great day. I don't know how I did it, but I managed to get all of my homework done for all of my classes. I finished my research paper a good 13 minutes before class started. I even got a great grade on it somehow. i migh tbe able to hang on to my scholarship this semester by the very skin of my teeth. It's going to be interesting. My teacher announced my grade in front of the class. I hate that. It's one thing to be the curve breaker... it's quite another to be the curve breaker and have everyone know that you did it. Oh well, I can'te get out of that one.

After class, I came home ot see Ryan open his mission call. He's going to the Mexico, Cuernavaca mission. It's awesome. He seems really excited. I had to run to class after that. When I got back again, my door was covered with chalk stuff, giving me the details about the Sadie Hawkins dance on saturday. It's going to be pretty fun, but I'll write about that when it comes around.

After that, I ran to walmart and picked up the pictures I needed to answer mandy for the Sadie Hawkins dance. It was fun. The pictures turned out pretty good, and she got a laugh out of them. It was fun. We ended up hanging out and watching movies the rest of the night. We watched one of her living scriptures videos about Thomas Edison. Then we watched August Rush, which was actually a really good movie. I fell a sleep a few times, but it was really good. Well, I'm tired, so I'm going to sleep. Goodnight.

Shopping Cart Train

Today was a good day overall. It started off a little rough, but I think it turned out okay. I woke up and took my religion quiz in bed. It was AWESOME!!! I love having internet that actually works. Except the internet did crash right when I submitted my quiz. That cause several of my answers to change.

I went to the temple after that. It was great. I love going there every week. I really want to do an endowment session sometime. It's been so long since I've done one. Anyways, after that I wen to class and explained my religion test situation to the teacher. She reopened it for me and allowed me to retake it. I did much better, but I did miss one question that made me a little disappointed. I'm convinced one of my answers got switched again too... but I'm okay with only one error. That's a lot better than six.

I worked on my program during programming class, so I missed most of the lecture. I'll have to read and catch up in that class, yet again... but I did finish the program in about two hours compared to several. It wasn't so bad. After class I came home and fixed fried rice for Mandy and I. It was delicious. I never get tired of that stuff. it's sooo good.

After that we helped Allister with some psyche project. We went to Albertson's and made a five-cart-long train. Everybody thought it was funny and we got some interesting responses. None of the employees told us to stop or anything, so I think it went rather well. We didn't get kicked out or anything. I spent the rest of the night doing homework... with a short break when Mandy came over for a bit. That was fun. Now I'm tired and I need some sleep. I'll write more later.

I Plead The Fifth

Today was a good day. I finally figured out a way to answer Mandy for Sadie Hawkins. It's going to be awesome. I'm way excited. Anyways. I made it through all of my classes without sleeping again. It's got to be some kind of lame record, but I'm happy. Everything made sense in all my classes too. It was amazing.

After class, Mandy and I cooked french fries and fried chicken again. It was fun. I love that food. Then I tried to do some of my homework, but I didn't get very far. I had to go to a hockey game, but because several of us were late, they called the game and our team ended up forfeiting. it was lame, but whatever. I just came home and went to Mandy's house to work on homework. That didn't work so well either. She just lied in my lap and fell asleep, so I couldn't really type, but that's okay. I just studied the functions that I'm probably going to end up using in my program. I'll have a busy day tomorrow. I have to take a religion test before I go to the temple at 11:00 and I'll have a program due before midnight. I also have research paper stuff due tomorrow, and compe crap. Lot of work to do, and not a lot of time.

Well that's about it. I'm dead tired, so I'm going to go to sleep. see ya later.

Accomplishment, or Disappointment?

today was weird. I felt like a got so much done, but in the end, I really didn't. I'm actually behind in my math class, and I didn't do my English assignment yet. I'll probably have to do that one during devo, which is going to suck since my copy of Office 2007 has decided to be retarded on me. It's like I have a demo now so I can't work or save anything. I have to reinstall the good old 2003. I'll probably go talk to someone in the CS office tomorrow to see if I can get a copy of 2007 from them. we'll see.

I got my Compe and CS homework done by six today. That felt like a major accomplishment. Then I came home and ate, played a game with Ryan, and then it was time for FHE. That took up quite a bit of time, and then we went to get ice cream and buy flowers. Mandy handed me a pot and asked if I'd buy them. She didn't think I would, but I did. I don't know why really... oh well, they smell good.

When we got home, I just did more homework. It's that time of the year. I just want a break more than anything, but I can't get one. I'm getting worn out with school and I don't know how much more I can take. Simple distractions pull me away from my work and I can feel myself getting ever so slightly further behind. I'm trying to stay strong for these last few weeks, I just don't know if I can take it.

Dinner & A Movie

Today was good. I woke up at the last possible minute to make it to get ready and make it to ward council. I still don't really like going go those meetings... It was even a full hour long today. But it's almost over. I'll get a small break in between semesters. Should be nice. After ward council, Alan came up to me and needed me to teach his Sunday school lesson since he needs to take temple prep with his fiance now.

Sunday school went alright. I prepared my whole lesson during Elder's quorum, so I didn't get to hear much of Alex's lesson. What I heard was good though. I think my lesson went pretty good. We talked about the illusions of Satan and how he deceives us with things that don't seem to be that bad to get us to be progressively worse. He can also lead us to believe thinks aren't as bad as they really are or vice versa. Considering how much preparation time I had the lesson was powerful.

After church, everyone came to my apartment. It was awesome. Keith made fajitas and Mandy taught me how to make this awesome Spanish rice. I love it. We had around 8 people over for dinner, so it was pretty busy and exciting. I loved it.

After dinner we watched the Testaments and Singles ward. I didn't stay awake for any of singles ward. Mandy tickled my head the whole time. It was awesome, but now I'm not even tired at all. It was a lot of fun though. Overall it was a really good day. I'm going to have to work on homework a lot tomorrow and tonight. Better get to work.

Bangin' On A Trash Can

Today was pretty good day. I slept until eleven thirty. I would have slept longer, but my parents called to talk and once I'm awake, there's no going back to sleep. I got up and headed straight to the lounge after getting ready to do my programming homework. I wanted to have it mostly done before Monday. I have a lot to do that day, so if i could minimize it that would be good. I spent most of the day doing that. I got so far, but I can't go any further without talking to my teacher or someone. I have a random segmentation fault in my infix traversal function... weird.

After working on homework all day, I came home and needed to unwind a bit, so Ryan and I played a little Burnout and wrecked some cars. It was only for like 15 minutes, but it was just what I needed. After that, I went with Keith and Ryan to pick up the girls for Guitars Unplugged. We sat in a huge group. It was way fun. The music was awesome, for the most part. I always love going to Guitars Unplugged. It's awesome. Anyways, after the concert there was a big dance. I usually skip that portion, but Mandy wanted to dance, so I stayed this time.

I hate going to school dances though. It seems like all they play is hip-hop music... and I can't dance at all to that. I can't dance at all, actually. I just know how to do ballroom stuff that nobody cares about. I don't even do that well anymore. So I just kind of stood there like an idiot while everyone else danced to the hip hop stuff. I tried to do some ska dancing, but I'm not very good at that either. Mandy said something about me being too white. I had to laugh. Mandy and I got separated from everyone else somehow, and so we just practiced the charleston dip and then a little triple step swing and then I started teaching her some cha-cha too. It was pretty fun. Actually, that was probably my favorite part of the dance.

After that, we went to Alex and Keith's place to eat pizza and just talk. It was really fun. After curfew, Ketih, Ryan and I stayed up to play Rockband. It was fun... we actually ended up beating it tonight. It was crazy. It was a lot of fun though, after going to Guitars Unplugged. Well, it's late, so I'm going to bed. Sunday morning meetings for me.

Perhasilan Membawa Kesenangan

I felt really good today. I got a lot done really, and I was able to have fun too. I went to all my classes and didn't fall asleep or anything, so that was good. I learned quite a bit in both of them too. After class, I stopped by the registration office and changed my name on my transcript so it was spelled right. That made me happy. I also stopped by the scholarship office and learned about some other scholarship and grant options. I don't know if I qualify or not yet, but at least I know how to look and apply now.

After that I came home and worked on homework till after 7:00 sometime. I got so much done. I finished my math 221 quiz and one of the homework assignments. After that I got some of my programming assignment done too. I'd like to get that done tomorrow sometime. It's due on Monday, but I'd like to get ahead in that class again. It's a lot easier to do well in that class if I stay on top of things. I didn't get as bad a grade on that last assignment as I thought I would either. It was only minus 10 points... so I got a C on it.

Once my homework was out of the way, I made a Jamba run with the gang and then we came back here and watched anchor man since I'd never seen it. It was funny. Mandy had a rough day snowboarding and was really sore, so I tried massaging her legs. I always do massages too hard though, since I do it how I like it most of the time. I was in Asia so I like it really hard. Then we played pool and baseball in the lounge, and then I went to Mandy's to get the geode that her mom sent me. It's so cool. After I got back home, I watched the Ringer with Keith and Alex. It was fun. I forgot how funny it is. Well, that's about it. I better get to bed. Guitars unplugged tomorrow!


Today was fun. I generally like Thursdays. I seem like I can do more on them as far as playing. Work I get on Thursday isn't due until Tuesday, so I'm safe procrastinating just a bit. I missed my first class this morning. My alarm didn't go off, so I skipped my Math221 class for like the 20th time this semester. It's not a big deal really... I need the participation points, but I can learn the material in that class on my own just as good as I can by going to class. In less time usually too.

I worked on my circuit in CompE224 and finished the schematic. I didn't program the board and test it though. I was already there for an extra fifteen minutes and I needed to come home to get some stuff for my English class. Mandy printed it off for me, so I had to go get it. She wasn't feeling too good when I got there, so I chilled with her instead of eating. I helped her fall asleep too, and then her loud roommate woke her up. Oh well.

I went to see Bucket List tonight with Mandy, Ryan, and Alex. It was a really good movie. I liked it a lot. It kind of made me think of some stuff that I've always wanted to do but haven't done yet. I'd really like to go back to Indonesia some time... That's probably the first thing on my list... I definitely don't have the money to pull that off anytime soon. Well, I better end this and get some sleep soon. Don't want to miss my 12:45 class... that would be embarrassing.

Homework Cornucopia

I really don't understand it. I'm only taking 15 credits, yet I seem to be the busiest person I know as far as school work is concerned. I'm constantly doing homework. The only time I'm not doing homework, I feel like I'm putting something off and I'm going to be in a heap of trouble if i don't get back to it right away. I'm stressing myself out a lot and I think my friends can feel it. I have been just putting it off in order to have fun, but judging by my grades at midterm, I can't afford to do that at all anymore. I have to give it 110% for the last bit. It's going to suck, but there's not much else I can do. My only respite will be weekends... and I don't even get to relax on Sundays.

I got my CS235 test back today. I felt really good about it when I went to the testing center and took it on Thursday. That feeling quickly left when I saw all the red ink on the first page of my test. I screwed up the whole first section. I can't figure out the remainder when dividing by 11 apparently. Due to that, I lost ten points, dropping me completely out of the A range in one fowl swoop. I ended up with an 83% total. Not nearly as good as I needed or was hoping for.

On a positive note, I did finish my programming assignment tonight, and I was able to attend the ward talent show. I also went to the temple today. That felt great. It always makes my day better, and my week goes smoother too. I wish I could go more often. I really want to go through an endowment session. I need all the help I can get this semester. I guess I'm getting closer to God through it all, and that's always a good thing.


Today was a pretty good day. I didn't sleep through any of my classes today. That's a first. It was really nice to understand the assignments we received in my CompE class. I got pretty far on the lab assignment, actually. It feels good. I even started doing some of my homework in advance now. I think the blessing I received is the main reason. I'm not getting anymore sleep, but I feel much better regardless.

We had a hockey game tonight, but the other team never showed. My parents drove all the way up here to watch me play, and then there was no game. I felt really bad. They wanted to take me out to eat and I'd already eaten, but I accepted anyway just to spend time with them and to at least make their trip worthwhile. After that, I went back to the lounge to try to do some more homework.

I didn't really get much done when I went to the lounge. I was sitting next to Mandy and we ended up just playing the whole time. It was a lot of fun though, so I don't regret it. I also joined in Mandy and Alex's blogging competition. We decided the person who posts the least in a week has to buy the other two lunch or dinner. It should be good for me. I've been averaging one post a month for this year, so I need to do better.

Mandy also invited me to go and help with a student ambassador visit day on Friday. She doesn't know the details yet though. It sounds like a lot of fun. I'll only be able to help after three since that's when my class gets out, but I really want to help. I think the program sounds really cool and I want to be involved in it. That's about all that really happened for today. I think I'll call that good.

Midterm Crunch

Well, it's been a while since I last wrote. I've been pretty busy since then. Midterms came out a few weeks ago, and I'm not doing nearly as well as i thought I would. I really need to kick it in gear to keep my scholarship. I don't think there's much of a hope of that anymore, honestly. I've sent in an application to join the Student Ambassadors organization, so that should help me get another scholarship or a grant or something. I was so upset at one point last week that I lost my voice screeming into my pillow, and when I still wasn't satisfied, i started kicking a bucket around outside at midnight, making a lot of noise. Mark came out and helped me calm down. I've been trying to recover from that.

I'm just trying to get all my homework done and keep on top of things as best as I can right now. I got my English paper, at least the three pages that are due tomorrow done. I still have to write a Compe lab report sometime tonight, and I have a program due tomorrow that I haven't started yet either... (again).

My friend Mandy and I hang out all the time. Actually, we're going to the sadie hawkins dance next weekend. She saved me from going with someone else that I didn't really want to go with. I'm sure we'll have fun. Everyone thinks we're dating though. It's kind of annoying that this is happening to me again. I can never just have a good friend who's a girl without people thinking somethings going on.

Well, that's about it. I'm going to call it quits for today.

Winter Wonderland

Today I went snow boarding for the first time. I don't know how I've lived in Idaho for 22 years of my life without ever trying to ski or snowboard. it just doesn't seem natural, I know. Anyways, we left around 5:00 this evening and did the night ski at kelly's canyon.

I have a friend in the snowboarding class who was able to help me rent a board for pretty cheap and show me the basics. It was really fun. I loved it! I have a bit of a natural talent at it I think. I did very well for my first time. Actually, I'm almost as good as my friend after one night. My biggest problem is just stopping without falling down after a run. I can stop fine if I'm still on a slope, but stopping on level ground makes me fall every time. for whatever reason.

In one night I got to the point of doing connected turns... well, I did two before I fell over. It was awesome. I was doing a falling leaf my first time on the real hill. The bunny hill was okay to learn how to stop on, but after that it basically sucked. I couldn't even stop on it after I learned how to do it on a real hill. I even when down the main run once. I only fell once when little kid swerved in front of me. To miss him, I steered into a block of ice and caught an edge. It was a pretty cool rolling crash though.

School is going alright. I'm worried about a few of my classes (mainly the CompE224 class). I don't know how things will turn up, but I'm doing fine in most of them. I have to start working pretty seriously on a research paper for my English class. I've been putting it off like crazy, but it's about to catch up with me. I've managed to keep up on all of my programming assignments so far. If only I could stay awake and understand my CompE class, I'd be fine. Well. it's almost time for me to attempt to sleep, so I'll end this here. Snowboarding is AWESOME!!!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Well, it's been a while since I last wrote. I was really busy after thanksgiving with final tests, final projects, assignments from satan, and all that stuff. It was pretty intense, but it's all over. Finally. At any rate, I managed to keep my grades up through it all and keep my scholarship. Since then I've just been chilling and spending time with my family. I don't get a chance to see my little sister very often, so I'm glad for this opportunity to spend so much time with her. I've just been so busy with my family that i haven't had a chance or really wanted to do anything else.

Christmas was nice. I got a bunch of new movies to watch when I have nothing else to do now. I'll probably have a lot of nothing to do since I've lost most of my friends to marriage or just lack of communication. Oh well. I'll make new ones I guess. I also got a new printer for my computer so I won't have to deal with the lounge anymore. That's a nice relief. I also got a deep fryer thing for french fries and Indonesian food. I'm excited to make some fried bananas and jalapeño poppers.

New Years Eve was a blast too. Brady and his family came over and we had a rocking party. We just ate a bunch of snack food stuff until we felt sick and we played a bunch of games. We played Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader. It was pretty fun. After that we played our intense family version of Apples to Apples. We didn't get even close to finishing that before midnight though. At midnight we all started screaming and making a bunch of noise. I lit off a couple strings of firecrackers. I don't know how it happened, but a few of them ended up inside. it was pretty loud. I loved it.

It's been a pretty good break overall. I'm just going to focus on the positive. But the holidays are over and the drudgery of school is ever approaching nearer. Oh joy... At least I'll get to mark off another semester. Three down, five to go. I'll write again after school starts.
