College Insomniac

A blog about a poor college insomniac just trying to get by.

Tis the Season to be... Jolly?

Today was interesting. I was up really late last night. Kindy and I decided to trade music at about 1:30, and we were up til 4:30 playing and copying songs for each other. It was a lot of fun, but I'm way tired because of it. I slept until noon, and I NEVER feel good when i do that. it just makes me feel lazy and tired all day. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep tonight, but I'm an insomniac for a reason.

Kindy and I went shopping today. It was a nightmare. All the stores were full of people and you couldn't move without running into someone. It was ridiculous. I am a laid back person, but I hate being in crowded locations full of people. It's loud, people are speaking in 800 different languages, and I don't like bumping into strangers. I was not having a good time. On top of that, I couldn't find anything that I was looking for. A shirt I wanted to get for Dad was too big. Every web cam I looked at was either too expensive or didn't work on a Mac. It was so frustrating.

It wasn't a total waste though. I did buy some new church shoes that I desperately needed. I did end up finding something for my dad. It's a plastic, fold able lap desk for his laptop computer. It has ventilation slits on it to allow the heat to dissipate quicker. It keeps the heat away from your legs too. Not what I wanted, it not really fun, but I think he'll use it... At least, I hope he does. I'd use it.

Then we had to pick up some food and snacks to eat. We got sandwiches at subway and chips and pop at Walmart. We came home and watched the BYU bowl game. That was a disappointment. Anyways, the whole point is that I was mostly frustrated for today. But at the same time, it's Christmas. I realize there are going to be little things that bother and frustrate me, but that doesn't mean I can't be happy.

On a side note, I finished my geology website and sent an e-mail to my entire geology class to beta test it for me. I'll modify it based on their feedback and submit it to Brother Gahn once I'm satisfied with it. So far, I know that at least 2 people from my class have looked at it, due to the tracker I placed on it returning visitors from Washington and org eon. I'll see write more later. See ya!

Been A While

It was a killer semester for me. The classes I took were just way hard with difficult/tricky teachers. All of them fair, just with very high expectations. As it is, I'm assuming I probably got straight B's for this semester. But all that is behind me now. It's Christmas vacation, and I plan on enjoying it.

Mandy is back in Kentucky for the break. I wasn't able to go with her. It's a bummer, but I really couldn't. Money isn't readily available for me. I'll get to see her again early January. I'm excited, even though it's like 3 weeks away. My break has been pretty fun so far. I've just watched movies and played with daycare kids mostly. I Helped my dad setup the train village today, and my mom wants me to put lights up outside tomorrow. I don't like doing the lights. It's kind of a pain... but then again, so is the village. But it's all worth it in the end to get into the Christmas spirit.

I still have to go Christmas shopping some time. I haven't gotten anything for anybody yet. Hopefully my mom and I can go together tomorrow. My mom hasn't gotten anything done either. She can't drive herself, so She has to wait for me to get home to be able to do it. If I can get the lights done early enough, it shouldn't be too hard to go tomorrow. Anyways, it's late, and I really just wanted to get back into the groove of writing in this thing. I think I'm going to change the layout and stuff here in a bit. But I have lots of things I'd like to do similar to that. Anyways, I'll write more tomorrow. See ya!
