College Insomniac

A blog about a poor college insomniac just trying to get by.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Well, it's been a while since I last wrote. I was really busy after thanksgiving with final tests, final projects, assignments from satan, and all that stuff. It was pretty intense, but it's all over. Finally. At any rate, I managed to keep my grades up through it all and keep my scholarship. Since then I've just been chilling and spending time with my family. I don't get a chance to see my little sister very often, so I'm glad for this opportunity to spend so much time with her. I've just been so busy with my family that i haven't had a chance or really wanted to do anything else.

Christmas was nice. I got a bunch of new movies to watch when I have nothing else to do now. I'll probably have a lot of nothing to do since I've lost most of my friends to marriage or just lack of communication. Oh well. I'll make new ones I guess. I also got a new printer for my computer so I won't have to deal with the lounge anymore. That's a nice relief. I also got a deep fryer thing for french fries and Indonesian food. I'm excited to make some fried bananas and jalapeño poppers.

New Years Eve was a blast too. Brady and his family came over and we had a rocking party. We just ate a bunch of snack food stuff until we felt sick and we played a bunch of games. We played Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader. It was pretty fun. After that we played our intense family version of Apples to Apples. We didn't get even close to finishing that before midnight though. At midnight we all started screaming and making a bunch of noise. I lit off a couple strings of firecrackers. I don't know how it happened, but a few of them ended up inside. it was pretty loud. I loved it.

It's been a pretty good break overall. I'm just going to focus on the positive. But the holidays are over and the drudgery of school is ever approaching nearer. Oh joy... At least I'll get to mark off another semester. Three down, five to go. I'll write again after school starts.
