College Insomniac

A blog about a poor college insomniac just trying to get by.

Latino Gringo Battle

Today was fun. I had to go to work and learn how to do the two week cleaning and three month maintenance tasks for the shake machine. It was interesting. I ended up working backline again. I can't complain. It's my favorite station to work. It's much better than fryer, and I do better at it than running or taking orders. I'm really fast at fryer too... it just gets soo hot that I hate it. I'm a cold blooded person. I like to keep things around 65 degrees or so... not 120. Oh well. I got in some extra time at work and Karen asked me to work late again on Friday. I don't know how late I'll have to stay, but It'll make me some good money. I get 12.00 an hour on overtime pay. It'll be awesome.

After work, I came home and chilled for just a little bit before I went to referee a soccer match. I had no idea what I was in store for. Once I got there, I found out it was match between an all hispanic team and an all white team. It was pretty intense. I made some great calls on the line and the center loved me. After the game was over, the center official asked me if I felt comfortable being a center in the future. I told him sure, I'd love to, so he's going to recommend I start doing some matches as a center. I don't know what the center from last week said about me. hopefully it isn't conflicting and I'll make some more money. Centers make quite a bit more than ARs. I would be happy.

That's about it. Not a whole lot going on in my life right now. Just working like crazy so I can afford to go to school. I know it's been a while since I wrote, so hopefully this will help me get back into the routine.

Conference and Stir Fry

Today was pretty cool. I got quite a bit done on my program as far as sorting goes. It's still a bit screwed up, but I think I might just leave it. It's only like 2 names out of order... and I can definitely fix one of them for sure if I can find the time. I'm going to focus on building the tree and printing the ancestry first though. Conference was good. I had a hard time staying awake due to lack of sleep, but the parts I did hear were very inspiring. I always enjoy conference weekend. It's always great. I'm just worried about getting all my class work done for this week. Alex has to study now too, so it should be easier than it was.

After the afternoon session of conference, Mandy and I made this stir fry. I'm not going to lie, it was basically amazing! After that, we finished watching the first season of supernatural with Alex. It was pretty fun. After that, Mandy and I went star gazing for just a bit. It was a lot of fun. Now I have to hit the books for all the crap i have due in the next few days... See ya later.

Falling Asleep?

Yeah, I know, its been a few days since I last posted. Nothing to major though. I'm just doing homework like crazy and trying to get all that done. I have so much to do this weekend and very little time. I'm literally falling asleep over my keyboard right now. i know, doesn''t seem natural for me, but I've had a long day. I tried to donate blood and that didn't go well. i was able to go to the ward closing social tonight. That was a lot of fun. I'll write more tomorrow. G'night.

CompE Nightmare

Today was an interesting day. I woke up late and played with the idea of skipping my math class again... But I eventually dragged myself out of bed and ran to class. I even made it on time. I was able to turn in my quiz and homework and get the take home portion of the final. Then we were sent home. I loved having a 3 minute class today. It was amazing.

After that, i went car shopping with Mandy. We didn't really find any cars, but it was a good way to spend my break in between classes. We just went to her place after that and chilled 'til our next class started. Mine was CompE. We got all our work passed back to us. Of the last 4 homework assignments, I got less than 50% on 3 of them. It sucks. Bryon and I continued working on our 4-bit CPU and we actually have a fully functioning processor. It's actually pretty cool. He gave me the assignment of fixing the wire designations and making it look readable. I couldn't argue since he did basically everything else.

I went to Mandy's for devotional. We listened to it on the radio while eating and doing homework. I actually liked doing it that way. I don't think I got as much out of it, but I remember more of it since I just caught like little snippets. When Mandy left for class, I started working on that CPU schematic for mosts of the afternoon. When I finally got that done, I played a few games of chess with alex. I had the winning record, 2-1, and it was a lot of fun. Then I just went over to Mandy's and spent the rest of the night with her. I hate curfew. Just throwin' that out there. That's all for today.

Quick Note

This is going to be quick. Not a lot happened today. I went to class as usual and everything was fairly normal. After my CS235 class, I ran into the linux lab and programmed the assignment that was due tonight in about 1.5 hours (with interruptions from family). Mandy asked me if I wanted to eat the rest of that pizza with her today, so I did that. Keith and I ended up playing Savage while we were there too. I didn't think we'd play for as long as we did... I felt kind of bad, but Keith looked kind of bored. Oh well.

After that, Mandy and I decided to climb a tree. That was fun, and we had a great view of the temple. After climbing trees, we got phoned to go to FHE, but by the time we got there everyone else was leaving, so we decided that we'd bake cookies. Alex came over and we went to get a Horkley's with him to try to cheer him up a bit. I don't know how much good I do trying to console him, but I do try...

Mandy, Heather, Keith and I went stargazing after that on the roof of a potato cellar out in the middle of nowhere. It was really cold, but it was a lot of fun too. We finally looked at a clock and realized it was ten minutes to midnight, so we booked it home and got the girls home safely. Then Keith and I ran back to our apartments, hoping mike wasn't checking. We played some more games, and then I cam home to finish up my homework. It took me a bit longer than I thought it would, but I've got it done now... Okay, so this post wasn't that short. It came out pretty fast and unorganized though. See ya later.
