College Insomniac

A blog about a poor college insomniac just trying to get by.

Concert Extravaganza

It's been a good while since I last wrote in here. I've just been busying partying my nights away that I haven't had a chance to write in here lately. I've been having a good time at work. I'm basically working on just the MP3 project now. I am still technically involved in the the OKAPI project, but I don't really feel like I contribute to that one. It's all about organizing the build and it's just getting pretty complicated and I am tired of doing research just to keep up with everyone. The MP3 project is going really good though. I finally have the program working as a fully functional GUI now. You actually have a window with menus and you choose files with open and save type commands. It's awesome. Now I just have to figure out how to embed pictures into the MP3 files and I have to make a spreadsheet editor view inside the application so I don't have to open Excel to modify MP3 files.

Saturday was really fun. I woke up really early and went paintballing. We went to this speedball field down in Provo. It was fast and not the type of game I'm used to playing in paintball. I got butchered pretty good at the beginning, but near the end I was starting to figure things out and I was actually getting some kills instead of just being fodder. I slid behind a barrier at one point and tore my pants. I wasn't too concerned about it. The pants had shrunk in the wash and looked stupid on me anyways. After we quit playing my knee started to sting. I finally inspected it and realized that not only had my pants torn, but my knee was all torn up too. It was a bloody, dirty mess. I had to wait til I got home to clean it, and I did the best I could scrubbing it painfully in the shower, but by Sunday night it was pretty obvious that my knee was infected with something.

After paintball, I went to the Jack's Mannequin and The Fray concert with Seeca. Jack's Mannequin was awesome, as I expected. I was only upset that they didn't get to play for very long. The Fray was the headliner, so they got most of the playing time. The Fray was okay, but I just think a lot of their songs sound the same... The opening band, Meese, was awesome. I bought their CD and I've been listening to it a lot.

Anyways, I didn't go to work today, Instead, I spent the morning getting my leg looked at by a doctor. That took a while. Then, I drove down to Orem to get my car fixed. So now I'm car-less and my roommate is going to take me to work. I'm not really sure how I'm getting home from work yet... I don't really want to walk... but I can ride the trax til the library for free, so that will take it down to 11 blocks... We'll see what happens. After the garage, I went with Seeca to a friends house and we played games and watched a movie. It was pretty fun. Anyways, I better get to bed. I'm tired.

Today's Theme Song: Captain Hampton And The Midget Pirates ~ The Aquabats


Today was pretty fun. I went back up to Rexburg in the morning and visited my friends Amy and Beth. I played soccer with Amy in the morning and after getting something to eat I went over to Beth's place. She was hungry, so then we went to eat again, but I didn't get anything. At the restaurant, I ran into a good friend of mine in high school, Julie Lot. It's been a long time since I've seen her. Her and her husband moved out to Pennsylvania while he's in medical school. They were just back visiting for the fourth of July. It was a total freak accident that we were both in Rexburg at the same time.

After that, I went over to Beth's house and watched a movie, The Lazarus Project. It was really weird, but really good. I really liked it. It seems like forever since I'd seen Beth. Oh yeah, Amy said she'd take Mandy's dress that I found in my closet last night down with her to Arizona so Mandy could get it from her. I want to get my cologne back from her though. I probably spent the same amount of money on the cologne as she did on the dress.

After Beth's, I headed home and just talked a lot with my parents, catching up with them. I watched the events of a soccer game online. I had a nickle riding on Real Salt Lake, and they failed. It came down to a 1-1 draw. I was able to get another dime, so now I have 15 cents, and I put it all down on the Cubs tomorrow. I think they should beat the Brewers. They won the last game against them, 2-1. After dinner we played outburst and watched the three amigos. We didn't start the movie til about midnight and everyone fell asleep during it. I am just writing in here really quick before I go to sleep, But as soon as my head hits that pillow, I'll be out.

Today's Theme Song: Tears Don't Fall ~ Bullet For My Valentine.

Long Nights: Road Trip Race

The last few days have been crazy. After sleeping in until noon the other day, I decided to go into work early and make up some lost time. But since I had slept so late the day before I wasn't tired at all. I decided I was just going to stay up all night rather than try to get some sleep. I needed to reset my internal clock, I guess. It worked pretty good. I fell asleep at work once for about 10 minutes in the morning, but after that I was fine.

After work, I went to the Oquirrh Mountain temple open house. The Oquirrh temple was pretty. It reminded me a lot of the Draper temple. The open house was better than Draper's though. There weren't nearly as many people so I could breathe and it wasn't stiflingly hot, but it was still the same format. Walk around in a huge line with no guide or explanation. I wish they'd have a person in each room or something just to talk about it while you were in there, like Rexburg. That was an awesome open house.

After that, we barely got back to Salt Lake City before Seeca's car died. The battery was all corroded around the connectors, so we walked to smiths and bought some baking soda and a toothbrush. We also acquired a cup of water from Taco Bell and were able to clean the connectors. Someone eventually tried to jump us, but it was no use. The battery was shot. My roommate gave us a ride back to our apartment. I drove my car back to Seeca's so she could get all her stuff out of it... In total, I went 38 hours without sleep. It worked though. I felt good this morning.

Today was weird. I went to work and got a few things done. Not a whole lot since I didn't see my mentor until around 1:00 and he gave me some things to work on. After work, I packed my things and Kindy came to get me. Once she got to my house, I was told that I would be driving. That was fine by me. I prefer to be the driver. I get bored easily if I'm not the one driving. I'm pretty sure it upset Mandy a few times on our trips to Provo. Anyways, Kindy brought two of her friends home for the fourth, so we were pretty crowded in the little saturn. We stopped to eat at subway, and I finally got a free foot long sub for spending so much money.

Kindy told me some news about my mom that I wasn't told since I went to the Oquirrh Mountain temple open house. My mom has super high blood pressure and diabetes. No one told me before hand. She has to avoid physical activity basically all together. It's pretty scary stuff. She's also had some strokes, the doctor said, and that could explains some things. I've been worried about her depression or whatever it was for a while, but I never expected something quite this serious. I'm really going to enjoy the time I get to spend with my family this weekend. They're the most valuable thing I've got. The only people who've stuck with me no matter what, and it'll probably always be that way.

Today's Theme Song: Last Name ~ Dierks Bentley

1:00 - 7:00

Today was... different. I stayed up pretty late last night on this gospel study kick, breaking my red day streak. Anyways, I had a really late, spiritual night. I was up till at least 3:00. I don't know for sure. Then, I had an irritating dream that I finally woke up from. It was dark in my room and I hadn't heard my alarm yet, so I lied there for a while. I fell asleep again and woke up to noise upstairs. I checked my clock and it read 12:09 P.M. It took me a while to realize that it said P.M. and that it couldn't possibly say A.M. I jumped awake and hurried to work as fast as I could. I got there at about 1:00. My mentor had been working on the project we're doing all morning, so I missed a chance to work with him on that all morning.

I was still able to work with him a bit in the afternoon and I'm going in early tomorrow to work with him at 6:00 until 9:00, when he gets busy. I got a lot done after he left too. It's been pretty good. I just felt really bad that I slept til noon. I don't really have hours that I'm required to be there, so it was okay. Just weird. At any rate. I'm going to work from 6:00 to 5:00 tomorrow, and hopefully on Thursday too. Then I can have a little overtime even and get some make up for this holiday weekend. Plus, I'll get more time with my mentor.

I have to find a new apartment for August. Turns out my land lady isn't going to work with me at all for the last month. Seeca asked her land lady if she might have a spot open for just august. She says she'll look into it and get back to her soon. The rent would actually be about 10 dollars less, and the room would be a shared room, but I don't care. I need somewhere. If I can't do that, I'm just going to live out of my suit case at peoples houses for like a week at a time. I could probably live at Dan's and each of the bishopric's houses. I'd rather just have an apartment though.

Today's Theme Song: Let Go ~ Red
