Today was okay. Work was pretty boring. I have nothing to do again, and my mentor is out of town tomorrow for some scout thing. Anyways, I have nothing really planned for the day. I'll have to try to figure something out. Today I worked on some little things as I thought of them, but for the most part I sat around trying to think of something to do. I had lunch with Dale & Becky today. It's been so long since I've talked to them. It took a while to get a conversation going, but it was actually a pretty fun lunch. They gave me all kinds of ideas about things to do here in Salt Lake that are cheap and should be pretty fun.After work, Joe, Seeca, and I hiked up to the top of Ensign Peak. It was a pretty easy hike, and it didn't take long at all, but the view was really nice. I took several pictures and just enjoyed the time I had up there looking over the valley. It's hard to believe that this little forest looking city was a complete desert once upon a time.
After the hike we got some ice cream at McDonald's and then we came home and played Rock Band for a while. It was fun. I really enjoyed going on that hike. Plus, Dale and Becky have told me about some more hikes that I can take. Apparently Thomas and Henry going hiking quite a bit, so I'll have to call them sometime and go on one with them. It sounds really fun to me. I might have to get some better shoes for hiking in since all i have are flat bottomed shoes and my fake athletic ones. Well... I better get to bed so I can get to work on time for... uhh... something. Oh! I have a meeting with the AV department guys on Monday, so that should pick up again next week. That's the one thing I'm looking forward to right now.
Today's Theme Song: Learn To Fly ~ Foo Fighters
Ensign Peak
Posted by
Friday, June 19, 2009
Yes, hiking is awesome. One of my favorite things to do. It's nice to get up into some mountains and just be away from the distractions of modern living and connect with the creations around us.
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