It's been almost a week since I wrote in here last. It's been an interesting week overall. Seeca's been calling me and making sure I have activities to go to. It's been fun, but I need something else. Yesterday I finally called Krista and asked her on a date. It was probably the most awkward phone call I've ever made, but she did accept, so it worked out. I'm way nervous. I just hope we have fun. We're going to go shopping since I need some smaller clothes with the 9 pounds I've lost in the last few weeks. We'll probably get an Orange Julius to drink while we shop, since there isn't a Jamba Juice at the Gateway mall. After that, we're going to come back to my place to meet up with Brock and Kate and play games. I have no idea what games we're going to play, but we'll come up with something.
Today's my actual birthday. Work was okay. I spent all day trying to figure out ruby on rails, but couldn't really do anything. Something is messed up with my installation, so nothing will run. Of course, I spent hours trying other things before I figured this out. Not that it matters. I don't know how to fix it. Oh well. Hopefully I see my mentor for a little bit so he can figure out what's wrong with it.After work, I came home and cut my hair. It feels so much better when it's short. After that, Joe and I ran to Walmart and bought some hamburgers, buns, and "gourmet" burger seasoning from Walmart. It was delicious. I cooked it for me, Joe, and Steven. Brock had eaten earlier, but he wanted one. I could tell.
Once we were all stuffed we watched Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey. That was fun too. I haven't seen it in forever. I remember hell being much scarier when I was like 7 years old. It was an awesome. Then Joe and I watched Transformers it was cool. After that, we're going to run to Walmart again because I forgot to buy contact solution, and I really need some. I put some new pictures in facebook and changed my profile picture. I hope it shows that I've lost some weight, compared to my San Antonio pictures.
Today's Theme Song: I'd Do Anything ~ Simple Plan
BBQ Birthday
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Wednesday, June 17, 2009
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