College Insomniac

A blog about a poor college insomniac just trying to get by.

Long Nights: Road Trip Race

The last few days have been crazy. After sleeping in until noon the other day, I decided to go into work early and make up some lost time. But since I had slept so late the day before I wasn't tired at all. I decided I was just going to stay up all night rather than try to get some sleep. I needed to reset my internal clock, I guess. It worked pretty good. I fell asleep at work once for about 10 minutes in the morning, but after that I was fine.

After work, I went to the Oquirrh Mountain temple open house. The Oquirrh temple was pretty. It reminded me a lot of the Draper temple. The open house was better than Draper's though. There weren't nearly as many people so I could breathe and it wasn't stiflingly hot, but it was still the same format. Walk around in a huge line with no guide or explanation. I wish they'd have a person in each room or something just to talk about it while you were in there, like Rexburg. That was an awesome open house.

After that, we barely got back to Salt Lake City before Seeca's car died. The battery was all corroded around the connectors, so we walked to smiths and bought some baking soda and a toothbrush. We also acquired a cup of water from Taco Bell and were able to clean the connectors. Someone eventually tried to jump us, but it was no use. The battery was shot. My roommate gave us a ride back to our apartment. I drove my car back to Seeca's so she could get all her stuff out of it... In total, I went 38 hours without sleep. It worked though. I felt good this morning.

Today was weird. I went to work and got a few things done. Not a whole lot since I didn't see my mentor until around 1:00 and he gave me some things to work on. After work, I packed my things and Kindy came to get me. Once she got to my house, I was told that I would be driving. That was fine by me. I prefer to be the driver. I get bored easily if I'm not the one driving. I'm pretty sure it upset Mandy a few times on our trips to Provo. Anyways, Kindy brought two of her friends home for the fourth, so we were pretty crowded in the little saturn. We stopped to eat at subway, and I finally got a free foot long sub for spending so much money.

Kindy told me some news about my mom that I wasn't told since I went to the Oquirrh Mountain temple open house. My mom has super high blood pressure and diabetes. No one told me before hand. She has to avoid physical activity basically all together. It's pretty scary stuff. She's also had some strokes, the doctor said, and that could explains some things. I've been worried about her depression or whatever it was for a while, but I never expected something quite this serious. I'm really going to enjoy the time I get to spend with my family this weekend. They're the most valuable thing I've got. The only people who've stuck with me no matter what, and it'll probably always be that way.

Today's Theme Song: Last Name ~ Dierks Bentley


Riches to Pearls 7/3/09, 8:46 PM  

Good song.

Sorry to hear about your mom, though. I hope you have a good weekend with your family!
