College Insomniac

A blog about a poor college insomniac just trying to get by.

Aku Senang Kalo BerdampinganNya

Today was a good day. I was soo tempted to sleep through my math class. I dragged myself out of bed at 9:20 and still made it to class on time. I glad I went. She handed out a quiz again. I always seem to miss those days. I'm glad I was able to finally show up for one of them. We got great harvest bread too, so I got a reward for actually waking up. Compe was alright too. My partner for the final is like a genius nerd guy, so he basically had the whole circuit designed and organized before we even got together. We'll be done on Tuesday if everything goes well. I'm going to have to work on homework quite a bit this weekend, but it will be okay. I should be able to get everything done. English was pretty fun too. Our teacher said we had the craziest class she's ever had. We are the most diverse group, and all of us are pretty social, so it's a fun group.

I came home after that and worked on some homework before taking everyone to Walmart, Taco Bell, Horkleys, and G's dairy. It was a really fun time. We rented a bunch of disney cartoons from Horkleys for free, so we spent the rest of the night watching those. We got through two, and then everyone left again, so Mandy and I just cuddled 'til curfew. It was a lot of fun. We're going to have chocolate pancakes and watch lilo and stitch tomorrow morning before class. I think it will be awesome. I better get some homework done before I hit the sack. 'Night.

