College Insomniac

A blog about a poor college insomniac just trying to get by.

Dinner & A Movie

Today was good. I woke up at the last possible minute to make it to get ready and make it to ward council. I still don't really like going go those meetings... It was even a full hour long today. But it's almost over. I'll get a small break in between semesters. Should be nice. After ward council, Alan came up to me and needed me to teach his Sunday school lesson since he needs to take temple prep with his fiance now.

Sunday school went alright. I prepared my whole lesson during Elder's quorum, so I didn't get to hear much of Alex's lesson. What I heard was good though. I think my lesson went pretty good. We talked about the illusions of Satan and how he deceives us with things that don't seem to be that bad to get us to be progressively worse. He can also lead us to believe thinks aren't as bad as they really are or vice versa. Considering how much preparation time I had the lesson was powerful.

After church, everyone came to my apartment. It was awesome. Keith made fajitas and Mandy taught me how to make this awesome Spanish rice. I love it. We had around 8 people over for dinner, so it was pretty busy and exciting. I loved it.

After dinner we watched the Testaments and Singles ward. I didn't stay awake for any of singles ward. Mandy tickled my head the whole time. It was awesome, but now I'm not even tired at all. It was a lot of fun though. Overall it was a really good day. I'm going to have to work on homework a lot tomorrow and tonight. Better get to work.

