College Insomniac

A blog about a poor college insomniac just trying to get by.

Shopping Cart Train

Today was a good day overall. It started off a little rough, but I think it turned out okay. I woke up and took my religion quiz in bed. It was AWESOME!!! I love having internet that actually works. Except the internet did crash right when I submitted my quiz. That cause several of my answers to change.

I went to the temple after that. It was great. I love going there every week. I really want to do an endowment session sometime. It's been so long since I've done one. Anyways, after that I wen to class and explained my religion test situation to the teacher. She reopened it for me and allowed me to retake it. I did much better, but I did miss one question that made me a little disappointed. I'm convinced one of my answers got switched again too... but I'm okay with only one error. That's a lot better than six.

I worked on my program during programming class, so I missed most of the lecture. I'll have to read and catch up in that class, yet again... but I did finish the program in about two hours compared to several. It wasn't so bad. After class I came home and fixed fried rice for Mandy and I. It was delicious. I never get tired of that stuff. it's sooo good.

After that we helped Allister with some psyche project. We went to Albertson's and made a five-cart-long train. Everybody thought it was funny and we got some interesting responses. None of the employees told us to stop or anything, so I think it went rather well. We didn't get kicked out or anything. I spent the rest of the night doing homework... with a short break when Mandy came over for a bit. That was fun. Now I'm tired and I need some sleep. I'll write more later.

