College Insomniac

A blog about a poor college insomniac just trying to get by.


The last few days have been okay. I had my date on Saturday. It didn't really go as I had hoped. We hadn't really spoken a lot to each other before, but as we started talking we both realized pretty quick that we didn't really have much in common. We both like hiking and camping, but other than that, we really didn't do anything similar. There were several awkward silence moments and overall it was a little disappointing. It did help me get over my awkwardness a little though. I need to go on more before I'm "nomral" again.

Other than that, not a whole lot has really happened. Esther invited me to go to a stake activity of hers with her. They're playing laser tag somewhere. I'm probably going to go ahead and do that with her instead of going to my wards activity in Manti that night. I haven't seen my cousin in a long time, and I'd get to know some different people.

Work is going okay. I realized today that I only have 2 more months left of my internship after this week. This week should be better than the last few. My mentor is done doing the dev plan and from what I've heard I'm going to be working with a guy named jax on certain parts of the world server project. It should be a lot more fun than what I've been doing for the last few weeks.

Today's Theme Song: Free and Easy ~ Dierk's Bentley


Brady 6/23/09, 12:51 PM  

Don't sweat the date too much. That's why we date, to figure out what we are looking for, and what we aren't interested in. I had a pretty awkward date once like that, where pretty much right away it was obvious we weren't meant to really hang out with each other.

I'd go play laser tag too if I was you. Open your door to more possibilities, even if it means playing woosie, sissy laser tag instead of paintball. = )

Blake 6/23/09, 3:20 PM  

Yeah, I am going. I just talked to Esther today. More people I can meet the better. I just wish there were some small group activities here. Everything I've been to has been try to get as many people possible there. I'm much more social in smaller groups.
